Philo Affiliates

About the Philo Affiliates
Since its inception, Sigma Gamma Rho has promoted unity among women and for years many alumnae chapters worked with individuals who were not members of Greek-lettered organizations. These women were organized into auxiliaries that had various names until 1954 when the sorority officially approved the organized affiliate group and accepted the name of "Philo" (meaning, "friend") as their official name.
In 1980, the Philos were organized on a national level and have grown to represent hundreds of women organized on a regional level as well. The Philos have contributed countless hours of community service and thousands of dollars to aid Sigma Gamma Rho's aim to enhance the quality of life within every community.
The purpose of the Philo Affiliate is:
To unite women of the highest caliber.
To help develop and support educational and cultural services among and Rhoers and undergraduate chapters of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
To take part in such activities as will strengthen Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. and improve civic and community conditions at the local, regional, and national levels
To function as an Affiliate to the Central Region Sigma Gamma Rho Alumnae Chapters
Membership Requirements
Membership is by invitation only and qualification in accordance with the policies and procedures of the organization. Be a woman of good character, possess poise, self control, interests, outstanding social qualities, and expertise in some particular field. Candidates cannot have a four year college degree. Must be interested in promoting programs of the Sorority.

Upcoming Events
June 23-25, 2023
Philo Virtual Regional Conference
Hosted by the Central Region Philo Coordinator Soror Linda Brown and Philo President Renita Eslick.
The theme for this years regional conference is Serving with the Spirit of Excellence.
Registration required.
2022-2024 Board of Directors
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